I had a fairly miserable last week. I spent much of it lying down waiting for Death to take me. But did he come? No. Some people have no work ethic. I was even waiting with my father who was equally ill, but still we could not get Death’s attention. He is such a snob.
Anyway, whilst waiting for Death you tend to catch up on a lot of television viewing, and I must say that Foxtel is absolutely the most horrible thing. Actually, Broadcast TV seems to be the horrible thing here. The ads are disturbingly repetitive and in your face. Even watching documentary channels such as Discovery and National Geographic was made unpleasant by the horrible ads they use. And you see the same ads again and again. Fortunately we bought season 2 of Frasier on DVD yesterday and watched that. Now suddenly we had the content that TV tries to deliver, but without the ads. It was wonderful and quite possibly what has cured me.
On the subject of buying DVDs, if you are cash-conscious (If you’re not, give me a call and we’ll talk), GetOnce provides a brilliant resource. It searches the databases of the major DVD sellers and gives you prices for each result it finds. And it isn’t limited to DVDs, it also does Books, CDs and other stuff (including Perfume).
Oh, and I’m not dead yet.